The GENERATE AI-MPACT study was developed by Think Tank W.I.R.E. in partnership with the ETH AI Center for the Innovate Switzerland community. Innovate Switzerland lays the foundation for effective and sustainable innovation in the digital age. The community develops well-founded and practice-oriented thought leadership content for decision-makers in business, politics and society. At its core is the conviction that a responsible approach to cloud and AI technologies is crucial to transferring Switzerland's strengths from the analogue to the data economy and ensuring its long-term success.
Shaping the economy and society in the age of ubiquitous generative artificial intelligence.
The widespread availability of generative artificial intelligence in the form of the ChatGPT bot has caused uproar worldwide with high expectations and utopian as well as dystopian predictions. This is not the first time that massive job losses and complete disruptions in various markets have been mentioned in connection with learning machines. However, despite many years of digital transformation, the reality today is characterised by a shortage of skilled workers, and much of the artificially generated content has shortcomings that hardly meet the high quality standards that apply in sectors ranging from banking to medicine or journalism. This makes a differentiated analysis and classification of the real potentials, but also of the limitations and the resulting opportunities and dangers, all the more important. The fact is, artificial intelligence will be a constant companion from now on. We are challenged to use it intelligently, to consciously do without it and to differentiate ourselves with business models, but above all with our competences.
The ABSTRAKT briefing «NEVER ALONE», which was developed within the framework of the Future Society Association in exchange with the partners of the initiative, presents a compact and forward-looking basic classification of generative AI and shows how we should use the technology in the long term beyond the hypes - and why artificial intelligence will continue to need human intelligence in the future.
The publication "Breaking News" offers a comprehensive analysis of the impact of digitalisation on the media industry and takes a look into the future.
By looking at the fundamental changes brought about by social media, as well as the challenges and opportunities associated with technological innovation, the publication provides valuable insights and recommendations for action for participants in the media landscape.
Building the path to a data economy.
What are the biggest challenges and opportunities for Switzerland in transferring its attractiveness for innovative companies from the analogue to the digital economy?
Which legal uncertainties do organisations still face and what do they expect?
In the white paper, you’ll learn more about success and need of the Innovate Switzerland community.
The past few years have been crucial for the maturation of Artificial Intelligence (AI)* technology: after decades of disparate development spurts, AI applications have now grown beyond sandboxes and speculative scenarios, and are enterprise ready. Only the findings from practical use and operational framework conditions remain at a low level of transparency, and Switzerland as a hub for the development of AI applications remains underexposed in analyses. The Swiss AI Report sheds light on this blind spot and provides insights into the real use of AI in Swiss companies – beyond the hype.
In Switzerland, "public service" refers to the basic provision of Swiss society and the economy with essential infrastructures, goods and services. It pursues the overarching goal of generating added value for society and, as a consequence, must incorporate the changing needs of the population and businesses. However, the current public discussion in Switzerland is strongly oriented towards the past and gets caught up in unproductive ideological debates about principles. Too little attention is paid to the question of which future needs public services must address.
The white paper "The Public Service of the Future" by W.I.R.E., which was prepared with the support of Swiss Post, identifies 13 public service fields that are gaining in importance for Swiss society and the economy and that can provide a basis for a constructive and holistic, public-oriented dialogue.
Digitalisation promises opportunities for economic growth and a high quality of life. Switzerland stands to benefit. The first step is to understand the mechanisms, areas of application and long-term consequences. The broschure SWITZERLAND'S DIGITAL FUTURE is designed to give an overview. It describes the DNA of Switzerland as a business location and illustrates three scenarios for tomorrow’s digital Switzerland.
> Order SWITZERLAND'S DIGITAL FUTURE for EUR 20 (plus shipping costs) (available in German only)
In collaboration with SAVIDA AG, W.I.R.E. has analysed the present and future conditions for biomedical labs at pharmaceutical companies and universities and developed recommendations that should be taken into account in the planning and design of future-oriented labs. The findings are not simply applicable to molecular biology labs; they also highlight trends in working environments in other sectors – from financial services to the media.
What should a successful global small town look like in 20 years’ time? What compass can help it to remain an attractive location for citizens and companies? The municipal council of Zug came to us with these questions.
In response, W.I.R.E. developed the “Zug urban concept” as a guideline and long-term vision for the development of a desirable and possible future for the town of Zug. The aim of the urban concept is to create an environment in which the citizens of Zug will still feel at home in a prosperous, livable and internationally successful Swiss town in another 20 years’ time.
When we think about innovation, we mostly have technologies and products in mind. But there are other forms: innovative ideas, laws, social movements, corporate strategies. Slowly but surely, we are accepting the realisation that technical innovation on its own cannot master the huge challenges of the 21st century. Climate change and an aging society are only two examples of trends that cry out for social innovation as well as the technological variety.
W.I.R.E. investigated the issue of social innovation in a research report for the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), and found that it holds unique potential not only for research, but also for the Swiss economy.
To the research report (German, with english executive summary)